Day 140
Teddy waits for the eclipse...
So I found out yesterday that there will be a gulf solar eclipse in the morning of the 15th. It would be an annular eclipse and would be the longest eclipse of the millennium. The duration of the eclipse would last a bit more than 11 minutes and that it would be visible in Kuwait between 8:18 and 10:52am. The optimum, total eclipse would be at 9:31am. I waited for 2 hours and there was no visible sign of an eclipse! I saw no shadow, no dark spot in the sky, not even a moon anywhere near our sun. I was bummed, because it was a friday and I love my sleep and I was anticipating this moment which never came! Apparently it was very visible in some parts of India. Take a look:
oh poor TB. i guess you went directly to sleep after not witnessing any sun eclipse. Well, it was worth the anticipation from your side at least : ">
hrdluch Teddy :(
5erha b'3erha
mo law ray7 india a7san ??
Hard luck Teddy, It seems somebody "Gabbas" ;)
At least you had a tan session :P
Wow! India did SEE the eclipse, didn't they! My friends in Cairo managed to take similar shots of it too...but nothing like that shot of the sun with the moon right in its center ...That one was just remarkable. Thanks Teddy!
I got to see it at around 9:00ish :-D It was just at the bottom part. Nemo posted a picture about
Ansam you saw it??? How?? I was up from 8:30! Do we not share the same sun? :O
the thing is ena you need to have the glasses, an xray or negatives (as Ansam suggested).
next year u'll catch it :)
I did. I had negative photo paper. I guess next year :)
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