Day 115

Teddy is indifferent...

I had the privilege of watching the game on a very large screen. *Shrugs* I didn't really pick a side, but if this was Chelsea vs Kazma that might have been another issue. I will not review the game much because I don't think I should, however the commentator would not stop talking about how glorious Barcelona are, and how privileged we are to have them in this country. Hmm.. I wasn't sure due to his excessive comments whether he was being sarcastic or serious, but that put me off Barcelona and I started cheering for Kazma. 

And what was that about the players all being amazing but Henry being stuck up and always on his mobile phone? Did any of you hear the commentator say that? My jaw fell at that point and my attention went to the audience who where very good at the wave and then I lost attention altogether and played cards. 

Last I heard it was 1 - 1... I still don't know the score. 


C'est La Vie | December 22, 2009 at 12:49 AM

كنت حاضرة المباراة وتوه كتبت بوست كامل عنها اذا حاب تعرف التفاصيل
the game was a joke

Hiba | December 22, 2009 at 1:18 AM

teddy should have been playing.. LOL i'd pay to see that!

Khalid | December 22, 2009 at 1:23 AM

it is 1-1 teddy ;p

abdulla Al-Shaya | December 22, 2009 at 1:30 AM

salam teddy, i would not accept that match because kazma pays 30 million for barcelona and it ends with 1-1. Barcelona is stronger than that, i think barcelona are playing easily with kazma. also it was boring match and it was not attractive. see you tomorrow.

where did you see it?

Anonymous | December 22, 2009 at 1:40 AM

oh lol! Your good at this teddy. YOUR commentary, on the other hand, is freakin hilarious! ive been looking back at some of your older posts to conclude that you're quite a cynic yourself (not to be taken negatively, its admirable in my opinion!)your pretty good at this (:


Teddy B. | December 22, 2009 at 1:44 AM

Hiba... Just coz my neck isn't stiff and I have no control of my limps doesn't mean I can't play soccer. You know what... Keep your eyes out for a post in the near future of me showing you how amazing of a goal keeper I am.

7ailyo3an, a cynic? me? nooo... I'm such a happy and optimistic bear :P I barely ever complain. *coughs*

BruTus | December 22, 2009 at 2:51 AM

Only one positive thing about the match!!
All are busy with it, so, the traffic was easy to go during the rush hour ..
Cheers ;)

Bu Yousif | December 22, 2009 at 3:52 AM

Ohhhh i thought you went there to the field , shame on you Teddy you should be there wearing Barcelona jersey ;p

Just A Bunch | December 22, 2009 at 11:26 AM

i dont get it, why would everyone cheer for Barcelona & not their host, Kathma? Seriously, leh hadrajah 6ay7een min 3ainkom? & u blame them (Kuwaiti teams in general) if they werent as successful as others? support them & lift their spirits up instead of constantly letting them down.

Noufie | December 23, 2009 at 6:04 PM

Hey Teddy! the place you watched the game in, is it a public place? i mean is it indoors or outdoors?

Teddy B. | December 23, 2009 at 8:49 PM

Benghaith - Barcelona jersey? I hate that team now after how stuck up they were in our own country.

just a bunch of thoughts - Yea right? You'd think we should throw bottles at them and not our own team. And we say we have country pride. pssshhhht..

Noufie - I watched it in Cinemagics VIP cinema. You can reserve a whole room for 12 people and watch whatever you want. All the seats were taken so I sat on the floor.

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